#Altaf demands decision on #Musharraf's case on merit

LONDON- The MQM chief Mr. Altaf Hussain has demanded the government, military and bureaucracy to decide General Musharraf's case on merit rather than on personal likes and dislikes. He added it would be good for the national interest.

Mr. Hussain expressed these views while addressing people, who had come to the farewell dinner given in the honor of Mr. Wajid Shamshul Hasan at the MQM's International Secretariat. MQM's Deputy conveners Nadeem Nusrat, Dr. Khalid Maqbool Siddiqui and members of Rabita Committees, senators , members of national and provincial assemblies and office bearers of different wings and departments were also present. "At a time when Pakistan is facing internal and external challenges we should not try to create discord and confusion otherwise it will endanger our security and survival. We must know that Pakistan is facing isolation at the diplomatic front. Our friends are not sincere with us," Mr. Hussain said.

Mr. Hussain praised Mr. Wajid's services. He said that we needed an experienced and talented high commissioner like you to deal with the challenges and crisis faced by our country. He added that we respect the decision of the government. Addressing the elected representatives from Pakistan Mr. Hussain said they must maintain the sanctity of the public votes. He urged them to solve the problems faced by the people of their constituencies and work to provide more facilities and relief to people. He said that they must establish educational institutions and libraries and try to improve the standard of education. INP

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