‘Flash floods kill 80 in #Afghanistan’ افغانستان میں سیلابوں سے 80 سے زائد افراد ہلا ہوگئے۔۔۔۔

Mazar-i-Sharif, Apr 25: Flash floods in northern Afghanistan after two days of torrential rain have killed more than 80 people, officials said today, with scores more missing as helicopters searched for stranded villagers.

Local officials told AFP that 43 people died in Jowzjan province, 33 in Faryab province and six in Sar-e Pul province. The floodwaters swept through villages and fields, engulfing thousands of homes and leaving many people seeking safety on the roofs of their mud-brick houses.

“We have been able to recover 43 bodies,” Jowzjan provincial police chief Faqir Mohammad Jowzjani told AFP. “Rescue helicopters have evacuated some 200 people, but many people are still trapped on roofs of their homes and some are also missing.” Faryab governor Mohammadullah Batash said the death toll in the province, which borders Turkmenistan, was expected to rise.

“We have a confirmed toll of 33 people dead and 2,152 houses destroyed, several districts have been badly affected,” he said. “Rain is still continuing, which is hampering relief efforts.” In Sar-e Pul, another northern province, the flooding killed at least six people with more than a dozen still missing, said governor Abdul Jabar Haqbeen. The floodwaters destroyed farmland and also killed livestock across the remote region.

Flooding often occurs during the spring rainy season in northern Afghanistan, with flimsy mud houses offering little protection against rising water levels. 

Over 100 dead, thousands left homeless by flash floods in Afghanistan (Reuters)

Kabul: More than 100 people have been killed and thousands left homeless by flash floods in north and west Afghanistan, officials said on Friday, prompting desperate pleas for help from the impoverished provincial authorities.

Thousands of homes have been engulfed by flood waters in four provinces after three days of heavy rain in what is traditionally a wet period at the start of spring.

In the northern province of Jawzjan, police chief Faqer Mohammad Jawzjani said 55 bodies had been recovered, and that the number of dead would increase over the coming days.

"Providing aid or help from the ground is impossible," he told Reuters. "We have carried 1,500 people to safe areas of neighbouring districts by helicopter. We need emergency assistance from the central government and aid agencies."

The governor of neighbouring Faryab province said 33 people had died there and another 80 were missing.

"Ten thousand families have been affected and more then 2,000 houses have been destroyed," Mohammadullah Batazhn said.

Another 13 people were killed in the provinces of Badghis and Sar-e Pol, local officials said.


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