اسرائیل کی انہتائی سفاکیت پر ایران شدید برہم۔۔۔اسرائیل حقیقی جنگی مجرم قرار دے دیا

Israel is ‘real war criminal’, Iran tells Gaza meeting

TEHRAN – Top parliamentarians from certain Muslim countries met in Tehran on Tuesday to unify their position against the Zionist regime which has launched an intensive and ruthless attack on the Gaza Strip.

The parliament speakers of Sudan, Mali, Turkey, Syria, Qatar and Palestine were among the attendees at the conference.

Iranian Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani told the participants that Israel is a ‘real war criminal’ and suggested that the Islamic countries should get united in supporting the Palestinians.

Unfortunately, Larijani said, the conflict in certain Islamic countries has provided the opportunity for the Zionist regime to commit “criminal actions” in Gaza.

The killing of the Palestinians in Gaza is nothing but “violation of the human rights and international law”, Larijani stated.

He said The Islamic Inter Parliamentary Union, as representative of the Islamic countries, has a heavy responsibility to help and support the Palestinians.

The Iranian Majlis speaker called on the officials attending the conference to discuss ways to unite the Islamic countries against the Zionist regime.

‘World powers should respect Syrian people’s votes’

In a meeting with Syrian Parliament Speaker Mohammad Jihad al-Laham on sidelines of the conference, Larijani said that world powers should “respect” Syrian people’s votes in the presidential election.

He went on to say that Syria has always been a key party in the resistance against the Zionist regime, adding that the top Syrian delegation’s participation in the conference in Tehran is an indication to this fact.

For his part, the Syrian parliament speaker said the Zionist regime has launched air and ground attacks on Hamas as an axis of resistance and so far has committed many war crimes, but the Palestinians will be the winner of the war. TehranTimes

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