EBM to actively support 16th MAP Convention as Founding Partner

Pakistan’s leading biscuit manufacturing company, English Biscuit Manufacturers (Pvt.) Limited (EBM), will be deeply involved in Management Association of Pakistan’s 16th Convention to take place next week, in its role as a Founding Partner of this flagship event that brings together national and international experts on one platform.  Saadia Naveed, Deputy Managing Director of English Biscuit Manufacturers (Pvt.) Ltd. (EBM) is also the President of the Management Association of Pakistan (MAP), since June 2013, and she is the first ever female President of this prestigious professional body. 

The theme of the Convention this year is ‘Re-think Management’, and the event will reinforce the need of innovative management practices and re-thinking on contemporary management styles for the future success of businesses. Throughout history, only those companies which have been continuously adapting their management practices to the rapidly changing business environment have been able to achieve meaningful growth. 

EBM is a classic case study of how good management practices have driven rapid growth, as its sales have gone up from Rs. 3 billion to Rs. 23 billion in the past 10 years. Following what is known as a ‘sustainable management’ approach, the company has synthesized sustainability concepts with time-tested management practices. This approach has generated the capability in the company of keeping a system running indefinitely without depleting resources, while maintaining economic viability, and nourishing the needs of the present and future generations. 

Speaking about EBM’s management style, Dr. Zeelaf, Chairperson, Executive Management Board, said: “What fuels long-term business success is not just operational excellence or technology breakthroughs, or even new business models, although all these are important. The critical difference is made by management innovation—adopting new ways of mobilizing talent, allocating resources, and formulating strategies. Corporate sustainability has created a significant competitive advantage for companies that have implemented it. At EBM, it is part of our management’s DNA and corporate culture. We strongly believe in doing the right thing that benefits the environment and society, and makes good business sense.”

Management Association of Pakistan is a 50 year old body created to facilitate the business community as their think tank of ideas to implement the best management practices for generating higher productivity and growth. Each year this convention gathers businessmen from across the country and even international speakers who are thought leaders willing to change mindsets. The first day of convention is for presentations and panel discussions whereas the second day is dedicated to two workshops by Tony Buzan, the Inventor of Mind Maps and Lucy Cornell, the Chief Inspiration Officer at Voice Coach. PR

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