Ken Loach wants ‘absolute boycott of all the cultural happenings supported by the Israeli state’

Ken Loach calls for cultural boycott of Israel

برطانوی فلم میکر کی اسرائیل کی ثقافتی بائیکاٹ کی اپیل
شاباش کین لاچ، جوکسی مسلمان حکمران نہ کہا سکا آپ نے کہہ دیا

The British film-maker wants an ‘absolute boycott of all the cultural happenings supported by the Israeli state’ and has labelled the US a ‘bully’ at the Sarajevo film festival
Ken Loach has called for a boycott of all cultural and sporting events supported by the Israeli state, and condemned the support offered to Israel by the US and UK.

Speaking at the Sarajevo film festival, Loach was presenting the Katrin Cartlidge Foundation award to two documentary-makers from Gaza, Abdel Salam Shehadeh and Ashraf Mashharawi. The former was unable to attend due to the airstrikes, while the latter, who was at the festival, told Reuters he would be unable to return.

“I can’t go back now because of the bombing and because of the closed border. I have to wait, but I know it is also our duty to come here and bring these voices of victims – they chase you,” said Mashharawi.

Ashraf Mashharawi speaks at the Sarajevo film festival on 22 August 2014. Photograph: Dado Ruvic/Reuters
In his speech, Loach drew parallels between the ordeal suffered by the residents of Sarajevo when their city was under siege and those living currently in Gaza.

“We need these film-makers to tell these stories because they are absolutely central to our understanding of the conflict,” he said.

According to Screen Daily, Loach then added: “Israel must become a pariah state.” He also reiterated his criticism of the British government earlier this summer, when he delivered a petition to David Cameron calling for an arms embargo on Israel.

“My country, to its shame, follows the bully that is the United States,” said Loach. “But we are not powerless. We can act together.”

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