English Biscuit Manufacturers to empower youth at the YLC 2014

Pakistan’s leading biscuit manufacturing company, English Biscuit Manufacturers (Pvt.) Limited (EBM), will focus this year on supporting and empowering  youth from across Pakistan at the School of Leadership’s (SOL) annual Young Leaders Conference. The YLC 2014 is scheduled to start next week and will run over 5 days.  EBM has been a supporter of several youth initiatives of SOL, and especially the YLC, of which it has been a leading sponsor since 2004.  

The theme of the conference this year is ‘Future Here’, addressing the youth as the Future and the driver of positive change in the country. EBM strongly believes in the mission of YLC to empower the young generation with skills that will shape them into becoming the leaders of tomorrow. This year, 30 young people are being sponsored by EBM to attend YLC 2014, and these include talented youngsters from across Pakistan, who otherwise have no possibility to participate in an event of this nature. 

Speaking about EBM’s participation in YLC, Zulfiqar Ali Ansari, Head of Marketing, said: “EBM has always had a consistent policy of supporting initiatives for the positive growth and development of the youth of Pakistan. Initiatives that we have supported include a large endowment to IBA, adoption of TCF school units, School of Leadership projects (SOL), Literaty Pakistan, Charter for Compassion Pakistan and many other schools.  Our belief that the change this nation is looking for will only be brought about by empowering our youth also translates into our practice of hiring a relatively young team and grooming them to become better professionals. The youth above all must understand and believe that it is always important to do the right thing rather than do the easy thing, and we are confident that the young people we are sending to YLC 2014 will acquire this important lifelong learning there.” 

EBM is a classic case study of pioneering entrepreneurship leading the packaged biscuit industry in Pakistan. Starting off with humble beginnings in a business that did not have an established sector, EBM has grown to become the country’s largest branded biscuits manufacturer, with a market share of 45% of the packaged biscuits market and introducing many industry’s first of its kind biscuits. Success doesn’t come easy, along with hard work, good values also matter. The success of EBM is largely attributable to its management philosophy - the belief that EBM must be a Living Company with its core values of Leadership, Innovation, Vitality and Humanity as its guiding principles that determine its actions. It is this urge to excel by following intrinsic values that EBM wishes to see in the following generations.

Young Leaders Conference is a 5-day, residential, rigorous and thought-provoking leadership training program featuring panel discussions, team sessions, skill development, creative exploration, attitude training and interpersonal learning. At YLC, aspiring leaders are exposed to a diverse international gathering helping them to analyse and solve pertinent issues. ‘Future Here’ is the theme for YLC 2014 starting off from September 11 to September 15. 

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