Coca-Cola awarded for Best Initiative for Women Economic Empowerment at the WLEF

Dubai, UAE: The 16th Global Edition of the Women In Leadership (WIL) Economic Forum, held under the patronage of the UAE Ministry of Economy, commenced with an awards ceremony to honor organizations for their support for women’s empowerment. The Coca-Cola Company was awarded the “Best Global Initiative for Women’s Economic Empowerment” Award for the iconic global initiative 5by20. The award was presented by His Excellency Sultan Bin Saeed Al Mansoori - Minister of Economy in the United Arab Emirates, and Cherie Blair CBE, QC – Founder of the Cherie Blair Foundation for Women. The award was gratefully accepted by Susan Mboya, President of Coca-Cola Africa Foundation and Antoine Tayyar, Director of Public Affairs and Communications of Coca-Cola Middle East. 

The 5by20 program is The Coca-Cola Company’s commitment to enable the economic empowerment of 5 million women entrepreneurs across the Company’s value chain by 2020. Through 5by20, Coca-Cola addresses the most common barriers women face when trying to succeed in the marketplace. This initiative offers access to business skills training courses, financial services and connections with peers or mentors, along with the confidence that comes with building a successful business. To accomplish this, Coca-Cola collaborates with governments, civil society, and other businesses, customizing programs specific to each country that answer the needs and gaps of female entrepreneurs in that area. Some of the key partners include UN Women, IFC, Technoserve, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, IDB, and Mercy Corps among many other NGOs. Programs launched in various countries range from personal shops, food stalls to recycling businesses and farms.

Susan Mboya, President of Coca-Cola Africa Foundation and Group Director of 5by20, said after receiving the award, “I am so humbled to be in Dubai for the Women in Leadership Economic Forum and to accept on behalf of Coca-Cola, the award for the Best Global Initiative for Women’s Economic Empowerment for 5by20. By the end of 2013, more than 550,000 women were impacted in total through the initiative in a total of 44 countries. In years ahead, we expect to reach every region of the globe as 5by20 grows exponentially.” 

Antoine Tayyar, Director of Public Affairs and Communications, Coca-Cola Middle East commented, “Women form the backbone of families and communities in the developing world. There is substantial evidence which validates that success of women-run businesses can have a significant positive impact on local socio-economic landscape. This cause is of paramount significance to The Coca-Cola Company, which is why we are committed to expand 5by20 program and others such as Coke Light’s ‘Live with Confidence’ Campaign.”

The Coca-Cola Company Middle East was also recognized in 2013 with the Catalyst Award, acknowledging the Company’s exceptional initiatives to expand opportunities for women in business. It was also a recipient of 2014 Women’s Empowerment Principles Leadership Awards in recognition for driving and advancing the seven Principles, a partnership initiative of UN Women and the UN Global Compact. PR

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