ISIS Threatens To Behead Obama, Threatens Japanese And Jordanian Hostages

ISIS Threatens To Behead Obama, Threatens Japanese And Jordanian Hostages

Three ISIS fighters issue a menacing message to Obama.
ISIS issued a menacing message to Barack Obama and threatened the lives of Japanese and Jordanian hostages in new online messages.
In an online video discovered by the Middle East Media Research Institute, three ISIS fighters stand behind a Kurdish fighter who is on his knees before them.

One of the fighters, clad in black, issues the following message to Obama:

Know, oh Obama, that will reach America. Know also that we will cut off your head in the White House, and transform America into a Muslim Province.
He then threatens France and Belgium:

And this is my message to France and to its sister, Belgium. We advise you that we will come to you with car bombs and explosive charges, and will cut off your heads.
The video fades to black as one of the ISIS fighters holds a knife to the Kurdish captive’s throat.

In a different message, ISIS says that a Japanese hostage and a Jordanian pilot hostage have less than “24 hours left to live.”

ISIS demands the release of  Sajida al-Rishawi, a woman held by Jordan for her role in deadly attacks at Aman hotels that killed at least 57 people. It is only in exchange for her that ISIS says it will release the prisoners.

What is believed to be the voice of Kenji Goto Jogo, a freelance Japanese journalist held hostage, is heard in the message: “Any more delays by the Jordanian government will mean [that] they are responsible for the death of their pilot, which then will be followed by mine.”

He adds: “I only have 24 hours left to live, and the pilot has even less. Please don’t leave us to die.”

Feel free to share your thoughts about the brutal messages from ISIS.

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