No society can afford to ignore its women: #MaryamNawaz

ISLAMABAD: The graduation ceremony of the 37th batch of women students of Pakistan Air Force Finishing School was held at the Officers’ Mess here on Thursday. 

Chief guest on the occasion, Maryam Nawaz Sharif while addressing the graduation ceremony said no society can afford to ignore women that consist of more than half of the population. Maryam termed 21st century as the era of women and added that for women being members of a progressive nation there was a need to remain in step with the march of time. She said the government believed in the educational and professional development of Pakistani women for the overall progress of the country.

“It is equally essential for our daughters to develop in themselves a dignified poise reflecting the aspirations of a Pakistani girl,” she added. She complimented the faculty members of PAF Finishing School for their consistent endeavours to train and groom a fresh batch of young women and for developing their personalities in the most befitting manner. She congratulated the graduates on their excellent performance and also felicitated the parents for their untiring efforts towards supporting their daughters to achieve this milestone.

Maryam expressed confidence that the personality development programme, which the women graduates underwent at the Finishing School, would bring about all-round refinement and finesse in their lives. “It is your duty to build upon the knowledge gained at this institution and make correct choices and sound decisions, as these will have a lasting impact on your lives,” she said. She urged the graduates to use the acquired knowledge for excellence in their professional and personal lives. She said in today’s world, the Muslim women must be able to face the challenges of life boldly without losing the bearings of Islamic ideology.

Finishing School Director Nasreen Aurangzeb presented a report highlighting the main aspects of the training, aimed at transforming young girls into useful members of society. Earlier, the chief guest was received by President Pakistan Air Force Women Association and patron-in-chief of PAF Finishing School Begum Shehla Tahir. The chief guest awarded certificates to the graduating students.

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