CDLD gears up for #Chitral post-flood rehabilitation

Key decisions taken at the 4th PCRC meeting to expedite CDLD Policy implementation

PESHAWAR: The Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Community-Driven Local Development (CDLD) Programme has finalised the mechanism for priority rehabilitation of District Chitral to address post-flood infrastructure needs in the flood damaged areas. 

To that effect, several important decisions were taken during the 4th Policy Coordination and Review Committee (PCRC) meeting which was chaired by Secretary Finance, Ahmad Hanif Orakzai. 

The contingency mechanism has been prepared in conformity with the Chief Minister’s directive to facilitate a speedy response to the rehabilitation and reconstruction needs of the flood affected people in Chitral. 

Under the approved mechanism, the routine proposal submission process as stipulated under the CDLD Policy has been eased from a two-step to single step process for District Chitral, whereby local community-based organisations (CBOs) will be able to submit directly their project proposals to the district authorities for review and approval. 

The funds ceiling of CDLD projects for District Chitral has also been revised from the current limit of PKR 0.5 million - PKR 2.5 million to an enhanced limit of PKR 0.5 million - PKR 5 million. “We need to move swiftly and efficiently to respond to the emergency in Chitral which has caused significant infrastructure damage. 

Therefore, we are making special arrangements while remaining within the CDLD Policy guidelines so that the implementation of CDLD projects can be expedited according to the emergency needs in Chitral”, the Secretary said while chairing the PCRC meeting. 
Under routine mechanism, calls for community project proposals are spread over four cycles per year. In the specific case of District Chitral, there shall be one running cycle throughout the year to provide immediate emergency response in all village councils of the district. 

The CDLD Policy also requires 10 percent contribution from the respective communities either in cash or kind, which has also been waived for the CDLD projects in District Chitral. 

During fiscal year 2015-2016, the total allocation for District Chitral is PKR 340 million to be spent for communities’ priority rehabilitation requirements.

The PCRC meeting also reviewed the overall implementation progress of the KP-CDLD Programme in selected districts of Malakand Division, including Lower Dir, Malakand, Shangla, Swat and Upper Dir. 

The delegation of the European Union, the partner funding agency of the Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa for CDLD Policy implementation, along with the officers from concerned line departments, representatives of the district authorities, technical assistance team members, and the social mobilisation partner also contributed to the meeting outcomes with their suggestions and recommendations.

Courtesy: Statesman Peshawar

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