KP govt moves to launch Provincial Police Service

PESHAWAR: In the wake of the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa government decision to launch the Provincial Police Service (PPS), a number of deputy inspectors general (DIGs) and senior superintendents of police (SSPs) recruited through the provincial civil services have submitted applications for de-notifying their induction into the Police Service of Pakistan (PSP).

“A number of our colleagues have formally submitted applications for de-notifying their encadrement into the PSP. Some of the cops had even refused sending their documents for induction into the PSP,” a senior police officer told The News.

The official added that the provincial government has already asked the Establishment Division Islamabad for distribution of senior level seats in the police force between the officers of the PSP and provincial service.

The Establishment Department Khyber Pakhtunkhwa wrote to the Establishment Division Islamabad on September 11 seeking distribution of the grade 18 and above seats in the KP Police between the officers of the PSP and provincial service. This was a continuation of the summary approved by Chief Minister Parvez Khattak for the formation of PPS in May.

“At least four officers presently serving as DIGs and over half a dozen SSPs have submitted applications. They have said they don’t want to be inducted into the PSP,” the source said.

He said that most of the officers recruited through PCS are in contact with other colleagues, including many in other provinces. Many who have submitted application for de-notification of their induction into PSP are hopeful that they will get their quota of senior grades that will expedite and streamline their promotion.

Currently, there is no provincial cadre officer in grade 20 while eight are serving in grade 19 and 44 in grade 18.

In case of distribution of the seats as desired by the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa government, the provincial police officers would get two positions in grade 21, eight in grade 20, 12 in grade 19 and 30 in grade 18 as per the quota of the province.

The province had recruited DSPs in grade 17 on three different occasions in the past. In 1988 the government recruited 14 officers and 12 in 1990. After a long gap nine DSPs were recruited in 2001. However, all these officers suffered due to lack of proper service structure and promotion rules.

Despite strong resistance by the officers of the PSP, there have been demands by the officers of the provincial police since long for the 40 percent quota in grade 18 and above as per the rules.

This time the provincial government has formally submitted a report to the federal government for approval of the distribution of seats.

“The matter is submitted for consideration to give effect to the distribution of seats between PSP and officers of the provincial police of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa,” read the letter sent by the KP authorities to the Establishment Division.

The letter added that the KP government had constituted a committee to examine the creation of the provincial cadre for police officers belonging to the province under the constitution, rules and law. It continued that after a series of meetings with all the stakeholders, the committee prepared its report and submitted it to the chief minister who approved it.

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