Rangers to be called back if Sindh govt doesn’t requisition them: Nisar

ISLAMABAD: Minister for Interior Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan on Sunday said that the Rangers would be withdrawn from Karachi if the Sindh government did not requisition the extension of the force’s stay in the port city.

In an informal talk with a group of journalists after a press conference, Ch Nisar said the federal government was waiting for the requisition for the extension of the stay of the Rangers but the Sindh government was not taking the matter as a priority. He said that the Sindh government should show responsibility on the issue. He said that the Rangers would not stay there without legal protection. “The federal government will call the Rangers back in case the Sindh government does submit the requisition,” the minister said.

Earlier addressing a press conference at the Punjab House, Ch Nisar Ali Khan said that the murderers of Dr Imran Farooq would be led to their logical end.About the FIR registration in the case of Dr Imran Farooq, the interior minister said it was purely a judicial process and the judiciary would decide the case.

The minister said that the Dr Imran Farooq case would be taken to its logical end, adding that a new joint investigation team would be constituted. “After the registration of an FIR, the JIT will now determine the fate of the case,” he maintained.

Pakistan would continue to cooperate with the UK and exchange information in the case as each of the countries has important evidence, including banking transaction details and visas, added Nisar.

About the case registered against MQM chief Altaf Hussain and others, the interior minister said that the government had no direct or indirect link with the case. He said the case was registered on the basis of a report prepared by the Joint Investigation Team (JIT) formed to probe the murder of MQM’s senior leader in London in 2010.

The federal government had only approved the registration of the case in the country, said the minister, adding that timing for lodging the FIR was also determined by the JIT, he maintained.

Nisar said even Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif was not aware of several stages of the murder case. “The state is the party and not the government,” he maintained.The minister said the suspects were in Pakistan, bank transactions took place here but the incident happened in London. British institutions had been taken into confidence in the regard, he added.

Nisar said that cooperation with the Scotland Yard would continue in the case, on which he added a new JIT would soon be formed.

“The investigation will proceed according to findings of the new Joint Investigation Team (JIT), Scotland Yard will be contacted if need arises to seek any information,” he averred.

Referring to the recent shooting in California said that the act of an individual did not represent a country or religion and added that every Pakistani who had a heart and had some understanding would condemn the incident.

The interior minister said that Pakistan would extend all possible legal assistance in investigation into California shooting incident.

Addressing a news conference at Punjab House, the minister said that the US administration had exercised a responsible behaviour over this incident.

Nisar termed the shooting an attempt to malign Islam and the Muslims and said that ‘such incidents are making life difficult for Pakistanis and the Muslim Diaspora’.

“The wrongdoing of an individual Muslim or Pakistani does not mean the entire country or religion is at fault,” he maintained.

The Western world in particular and world in general were getting the impression whatever these extremists were doing was actually Islam, Nisar said and added that Islam’s teachings start with peace and end with peace.

“Whatever these terrorists are doing has nothing to do with Islam or the Muslims,” said the interior minister. About the facts of case, he said, “They are the same as you have got through media, that the shooter Tashfeen Malik, shifted to Saudi Arabia nearly 25 years ago and that she was a resident of Dera Ghazi Khan, a district of the Punjab.

He also lauded the US government’s approach regarding the case adding that extremists, far right elements in US administration and public were criticising the US government for not blaming Muslims and Pakistanis for terrorism but the government had so far refused to take such a line.

He criticised the media for reporting that a US delegation had met prime minister to discuss the California shooting adding that the report was false and no such meeting took place.Nisar, however, claimed that Pakistan had assured US authorities of full cooperation during their probe into the matter.

The minister dispelled reports that US officials had met the prime minister or Punjab Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif during their stay in London.He said Islam is religion of peace and teaches lesson of forgiveness and over a mistake of one individual, a whole nation, country or religion should not be blamed.

Talking about the crackdown on the human traffickers, the interior minister said that human trafficking was a blemish for humanity.The interior minister also lashed out at those criticising the government of Pakistan for taking up the case of human trafficking mafia.

Regarding the return of the Greece aircraft, Nisar said it violated the basic agreement.“We have to defend the rights of our nationals residing in other countries and they cannot be dispatched back to the country like cattle,” he insisted.

Ch Nisar Ali Khan said that he had called meeting of ambassadors of European Union countries to exchange views and to settle the issues. Nisar categorically said that no deportee would be accepted in the guise of Pakistani. “We will verify the identity of Pakistanis first and then allow them to land in Pakistan. Afghans, Bangladeshi, Bhutani or national of any other country would not be accepted as Pakistanis,” the minister said.“Humiliation of any Pakistani living abroad will not be tolerated,” interior minister said adding, “We will extend protection to every Pakistani living legally abroad.”

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