Exclusive: Pak intelligence should interrogate Headley, says #PervezMusharraf

Exclusive: Pak intelligence should interrogate Headley, says Pervez Musharraf

In his most explosive interview, former Pakistan president Pervez Musharraf has pointed straight at the Inter-Services Intelligence for training Lashkar-e-Tayyeba and Jaish terrorists.

In his most explosive interview, former Pakistan president Pervez Musharraf has pointed straight at the Inter-Services Intelligence for training Lashkar-e-Tayyeba and Jaish terrorists.

"Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) trains Jaish-e-Mohammad(JeM) and Lashkar-e-Tayyeba (LeT) terrorists," said Musharraf. Watch clip

Speaking exclusively to India Today's Managing Editor Rahul Kanwal, Musharraf, referred to 26/11 mastermind and JuD Chief Hafiz Saeed as a Pakistan hero. "Masood Azhar is a terrorist," said Musharraf. Watch clip

Pakistan's former president was grilled by Rahul Kanwal, in an exclusive interview, on Pakistan-sponsored terrorism in India. Musharraf also blamed India for derailing the peace process. "India derailed peace process every time and the country only wants to discuss terrorism," Musharraf said. Watch clip

Speaking on David Coleman Headley, Musharraf said, " I don't believe anything that Headley had said... Pakistan intelligence should interrogate Headley."

Former Pakistan president also mentioned India should hand over 2007 Samjhauta Express accused to Pakistan. He further blamed India for spreading terror in Pakistan. "LeT not involved in terror in Pakistan. Indian Intelligence agency behind Pakistan attacks, had evidence against R&AW agents," Pervez said. Watch clip

Partial transcripts of the interview

Rahul Kanwal: General Musharraf, welcome to India Today. We are interviewing at a time when the big discussion in India is around the revelations of David Coleman Headley. The Lashkar-e-Tayyeba operative deposing before a Mumbai by a video conference has revealed the deep nexus the ISI, Pakistan army and LeT. He reveals the terror financing, training and moral support provided by serving officials in the Pakistan army. He has named his handlers who are responsible for training him. Pakistan's denial has been exposed by one of its operatives, Gen Musharraf?

Pervez Musharraf: If you hand over any witness to any intelligence organisation, they can get anything out of them. They can be manipulated and can be forced to say anything. I don't believe what he's saying unless our investigation and intelligence says the same.

India Today: It cannot be denied as simply as that. He has revealed ISI officers by name - Major Ali, Major Iqbal, who tasked him on what he should do when he visits India. Senior officials such as Brigadier Riaz, Col Shah, Lt Col Hamza, Maj Samar Ali trained him, he says.

Musharraf: No comments. I will not go along the statement of one witness who is in your custody. He will blurt out anything you would want him to say.

India Today: What do you make of where India and Pakistan currently?

Musharraf: Elements [of peace and friendship] are there on both sides. There's lot happening in Pakistan also. These peace initiatives, if at all there are, but unfortunately you talk about your prime minister coming here and etcetera, it reeks of hypocrisy and artificiality. There's no substance. I don't think they have addressed any issue at all, other than shaking hands and saying happy birthday, and all that.

India Today: Substantive action was to happen, but then Pathankot happened?

Musharraf: There has been scuttling every time. Each and every time from your side. You have been scuttling every time, but you put the blame on Pakistan. These terrorist acts are happening in Pakistan also, and in your country also. Let the peace process move forward. The root cause of all that is happening are the substantial issues.


India Today: We have specific GPS coordinates, telephone numbers , details about where calls were made back to Pakistan. In the Mumbai attacks, there were calls made out to Karachi. We have put out those calls in public domain. Even in Bahawalpur, there were three calls made between 9:12 pm and 11.20 pm, we have got the specific telephone numbers. For example, +92345303313 linked to Markaz Usman Ali on the Railway Link Road in Bahawalpur? Pakistan has not been able to share one shred of evidence?

Musharraf: All these numbers can be easily be right there in your country. He could be in Pathankot. He could be anywhere on the border. I don't know all these technicalities, but since Pakistan is also investigating, let us leave it at that.
India Today: Maulana Masood Azhar, who tried to assassinate you two times over, he is supposed to be involved in Pathankot attacks. You called them freedom fighters in your previous interview. Is he a hero or villain for you?

Musharraf: Anyone who is fighting in Kashmir is a freedom fighter. I know he attacked me. Certainly he is carrying out terrorist attacks. They are also involved in terrorist activities in Pakistan. Therefore, I call him a terrorist.

India Today: If he is a terrorist, why hasn't been arrested?

Musharraf: I don't know. I am sure the law enforcement agencies and the intelligence organisations must be looking into it.

India Today: What would you do if you were leading Pakistan?

Musharraf: You put me in charge again and I will tell you what I would do.

India Today: So is it a dead end for India-Pakistan relations?

Musharraf: I don't think we'll move forward on the core issues. Because you don't want to. You want to bulldoze us, bully us, dominate us. You only want to talk about your issues - terrorism, Mumbai and Pathankot.

India Today: Do you think the Pakistan army is on board for the peace process?

Musharraf: 200 per cent.

Watch the full interview here

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