Arab woman willing to pay $1.3 million to find suitable husband

For the second year in a row, Arabic press is circulating a story of an anonymous Saudi woman who is ready to pay SR. 5 million ($1,330,000) to find a suitable husband. 

The women whose identity is not yet known by the Arabic magazine Roa that published her request. The lady has said applicants can communicate by e-mail or fax their interest. “Applicants should provide their contact number so the woman will contact them in case she agrees on the marriage,” the magazine said.

The only condition the mysterious woman places on suitors is that he must “appreciate marriage life.”

“It does not matter whether the new husband is attracted to my money as the most important thing is that he must appreciate marriage life and marital duties … I am even ready to accept a Misyar marriage which doesn’t require him to live under the same roof and pay him SR five million at once … He will live with me in my villa and must accept all my conditions which I will reveal to him later.”

There is no mention of her name, age or even where she lives in, which has creates ambiguity to the news, especially since this has been reported before. 

The women has also indicates that she was previously married but got divorced after she found out that her husband was greedy and after her money. “I made the wrong choice first time … I want to make the right choice now … my main obsession now is to marry… I am desperate to marry,” the woman said.

Misyar marriage is an alternative marital contract where couples can live separately but get together regularly. Women lose nearly all their rights under that kind of marriage and most relations are said not to last.

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