WATCH: Born without hands girl creates magic with colours, music in Dubai

She can beat any skillful painter with her impressive paintings. When she holds a brush between her feet and plays with colours on the canvas, she creates magic. When she sings, her mesmerising voice reaches directly to the hearts. Kanmony Sasi, an extra ordinarily talented painter and singer born without hands, inspires everyone to become independent in life.

On her recent visit to the UAE as a chief guest for an Onam event organised by some college students, the 15-year-old girl motivated youngsters with her enthusiasm and positivity.

A truly courageous girl from the Alappuzha district of the Indian state of Kerala, Kanmony left everyone stunned with her attitude. She never feels that she is missing anything in her life rather she thinks if she will not keep her spirits high, will surely miss something good in life.

"This life is beautiful, we get it only once. I believe we all must enjoy it fully and we should be happy with what we have, rather being sad about what we don't have. Independence is irreplaceable; nothing can give you the kind of satisfaction it gives. I want every person to learn to be independent because no one is going to be with you for the whole life," says a confident Kanmony.

She challenges life with her vigorous willpower and zeal to overcome every possible hurdle. She sets a perfect example for the people who fear failures and are not brave enough to face it. An avid reader and a big fan of music, Kanmony love reading autobiographies whenever she gets time. She listens to her favourite singer Shankar Mahdevan and derives inspiration for singing from him.

"Music makes me feel alive. I started it as a hobby when I was quite young," she mentioned when asked how she started singing.

With her confidence and right approach towards life, she is all set to write her board exams next year. With the support from her parents, friends and relatives Kanmony is climbing up in life successfully. She has also recently acted in a commercial movies back home and is quite excited about it as well.

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