Afghan Woman Beheaded For Entering City Without Husband

A group of armed men have reportedly beheaded a 30-year-old woman in northern Afghanistan for entering a village to do shopping without her husband. 

The incomprehensible act occurred in the remote village of Latti in Sar-e-Pul province, which is controlled by the Taliban, the Daily Mail reports. 

This inmate walked out of his cell and started viciously beating a guard. But then...
The young woman was targeted by the armed hardliners for having gone out alone without her husband, who is in Iran, Provincial Governor spokesman Zabiullah Amani commented, The Nation reports. 

The woman intended to go shopping at the local market, the Middle East Press reports. The "infidelity act" provoked the armed men to decapitate and stab her to death. 

The Taliban bans woman in the areas they control from working, going to school, speaking loudly in public and appearing in media, The Independent reports.

The extremist group has held public lashings and executions in football stadiums to enforce their harsh discriminatory policies against women. 

No one has been arrested for the murder and the Taliban have denied any involvement. 

From honor killings to domestic abuses to bomb attacks, Afghan women have suffered tremendously under the 15 years of conflict provoked by the Taliban insurgency as violence has escalated in the majority of the country.

Re-establishing women's rights was a major goal of the international community in the country, where the militant Taliban Islamist group banned girls from school and women from working during their 1996-2001 reign.   

Despite the hard-fought women's rights gains won in work and education in liberated zones across the country, Afghanistan remains a very difficult place to be a woman.

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