#MalalaYousufzai made a record of one hundred thausands fans in just 30 minutes

ملالہ آتے ہی چھا گئی۔ ٹوئٹر جائن کرتے ہی ایک لاکھ سے زائد فین بن گئے۔ اور وہ بھی صرف 30 منٹ کے اندر۔ کم سے کم وقت میں ایک لاکھ فین بنانے کا یہ عالمی ریکارڈ ہے۔

Malala Yousufzai recently joined #Twitter. Her Twitter handle is already verified and she has managed to gain more than 100,000 followers within 30 minutes of her joining the micro blogging platform.

Malala is best known for her work for girl’s education and winning the Nobel Peace Prize.

While she is one of the most popular teens in the worlds, she did not have any presence on social media platform until today.

“Hi Twitter” is what she said in in her first ever tweet and it’s got more than 18K likes at the time of writing.

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