World Bank delegation briefed about reform agenda

ISLAMABAD: A delegation of World Bank headed by Regional Vice President Annette Dixon met Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi on Saturday here at the Prime Minister’s House Islamabad. 

Annette Dixon was accompanied by Patchamuthu Illangovan, Country Director World Bank, Snezana Stoilikovic, Regional Vice President IFC and Nadeem Siddiqui, says a press release. 

Minister for Water Resources Syed Javed Ali Shah, Foreign Secretary Tehmina Janjua, Secretary Finance Arif Ahmed Khan, Secretary Water Resources Shamail Ahmed and other senior officers were also present during the meeting. 

Various ongoing developmental projects being undertaken in partnership with the World Bank and the dispute with India over Kishanganga and Ratle projects came under discussion during the meeting.  

The Prime Minister informed the delegation of the overall reform agenda of the present government which has resulted in revival of the economy, putting economic growth on an upward trajectory. 

The Prime Minister said that significant improvement of law & order, management of energy crisis and massive infrastructure development being undertaken under the umbrella of CPEC project would further strengthen the economy and improves the overall economic outlook. 

The PM stated that the Government was also taking concrete measures to improve ease of doing business in the country. 

The PM emphasized that Pakistan looks forward to World Bank support in the timely completion of the ongoing developmental projects and, in particular, expects that the World Bank would help resolve the water dispute with India by effectively playing the role mandated to it under the Indus Water Treaty. 

Annette Dixon assured the Prime Minister of continued support of the World Bank to the country.

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