Role of women in economic activities a must for nation building: Malik Tahir Javaid

Lahore: February 16, 2018 PPI: Chairperson of Punjab Commission on the Status of Women Fauzia Viqar has said that PCSW is making all out measures for gender equality and empowerment that is a must for sustainable economic development of the country. She was talking to the LCCI President Malik Tahir Javaid here at the Lahore Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Nasira Taskeen, Shamim Akhter, Talat Hafeez, Nlofer Sikandar, Shagufta Rehman, Uzma Mehmood and other members were also present.

Fauzia Waqar said that Lahore Chamber has always supported and facilitated women empowerment. She said that there is lack of linkages between Institutes working for the women empowerment in Pakistan. She said that status of independent women is still not satisfactory. 30% GDP can be increased through women entrepreneurship and employment. She said that women contribute only 1% in the whole country entrepreneurship which is the world poorest women entrepreneur rate.

The LCCI President Malik Tahir Javaid said that women are important shareholder in building the society. They simultaneously play different roles like as a mother, a daughter, a wife and sometimes being working woman. It is a bit unfortunate that our women face problems in uplifting their social and economic status.

He said that we still lack in creating the much needed awareness about determining the fair status of women in our society that is badly entangled in many social taboos. We should not forget that women are almost 49% of our total population. How can we afford to let this potential workforce remain out of productive activities?

Malik Tahir Javaid said that the following numbers further elaborates the current state of affairs that women land holding ownership and their leadership role is less than 1%. The wage differential for female staff is about 60% which shows the pay gap upto 40% as compared to male workers. The divide between male and female literacy levels in Pakistan is still wide at 69% and 50% respectively.

The LCCI President said that in order to improve these numbers in favour of women, both government and private sector have to work in unison. Making good use of this opportunity, He said that LCCI is trying its level best to motivate the budding women entrepreneurs to come up and get their due share in businesses.

Women Resource Centre in LCCI is providing guidelines to emerging women who are eager to get on their feet. Moreover, WRC serves as a common platform for experienced and young businesswomen who share their experiences with each other and also help out in case of any problem. To make it a formal activity, specific standing committees also work to represent these women at all possible forums.

He said that for the development of women-to-women business potential, women entrepreneurs require support in the form of training in strategic business development, access to credit funds, and assistance with marketing skills, product design and development. They should be aware of economic, financial, legal and managerial issues. There can be even better results if entrepreneurship is taught in vocational institutes and introduced as a special subject in high schools.

He also informed the Chairperson of PCSW that presently, there are two women board members in Lahore Chamber. They along with other senior and experienced women devote their time and efforts to facilitate such women entrepreneurs who are committed to become economically independent.

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