Education: #Afghan refugees studying in refugee villages

Education: Afghan refugees studying in refugee villages

Islamabad: In line with our global education policy which encourages the adoption of the host country’s education curriculum, the UN refugee agency has decided to use the Pakistani curriculum in refugee village schools. The decision has been taken due to the protracted nature of the Afghan refugee situation, where the use of the host country’s curriculum constitutes both the most sustainable and the most cost-effective option.

UNHCR believes that the quality of learning for Afghan refugee children in Pakistan will be improved by following the curriculum of Pakistan, particularly at the primary level, with better access to qualified teaching staff and learning materials. Refugee children will receive government of Pakistan certificates demonstrating their proficiency at primary, secondary and college levels. These certificates will enable them to obtain admission in professional colleges or universities in Pakistan or Afghanistan.

Refugee students will obtain accredited examination and certification that will enable them to continue their higher education or compete for employment in both Pakistan and Afghanistan. The Pakistani curriculum uses English as the medium of instruction for all subjects except Urdu language and Islamic studies. Learning English also has the potential to open other opportunities for work and study, including scholarships for Afghan refugees.

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