China inks agreement with ICCBS-Karachi University

KARACHI:International Center for Chemical and Biological Sciences (ICCBS), University of Karachi (UoK) has made an international collaboration with China by singing a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV), Chinese Academy of Science, China.

Although Pakistan possesses ample load of viral diseases, the country has no national capacity in the field of virology. As per the agreement, the two leading institutions aim to work together for their mutual benefit in the area of virology.

The memorandum of understanding was signed in a ceremony recently held at the campus of Wuhan Institute of Virology in China, an official of the ICCBS said. ICCBS-UoK Director Prof. Dr Muhammad Iqbal Choudhary and Director General Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV), Chinese Academy of Science Prof. Dr Chen Xinwen signed the MoU on behalf of their institutions.

On the occasion, Dr Iqbal Choudhary said that Pakistan had sizeable load of viral diseases including hepatitis, with the highest prevalence in the world. Other viral diseases include dengue, Zika, Congo fever and Chikungunya and adding that the country had no national capacity in the field of virology.

He said that through the utilization of world-class core facilities and personnel at both ICCBS and WIV, research could be brought to an international level. He said that International Center for Chemical and Biological Sciences was the leading research establishment in the developing world. He mentioned that the international center was a cluster of many leading institutions that also include HEJ Research Institute of Chemistry and Dr Panjwani Center for Molecular Medicine and Drug Research (PCMD).

In addition to these two main institutions, ICCBS has 10 research buildings that house some of the region’s most sophisticated laboratories, he maintained. Prof. Dr Chen Xinwen said that international cooperation was instrumental for research program and management personnel to get timely informed about the material development trend in the world.

He said that both the institutions had shared common goal to advance science and technology through bold and collaborative research and education, while addressing challenges of national, regional and global significance.

As per MoU, it was agreed that exchange of research staff and facilities will take place between both the institutions. This will develop linkages between academicians and researchers. This agreement will be effective for a period of five years from the date of signing.

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