Two foreigner hunters arrived at Chitral from USA and Newzeland for Markhor and Ibex.

Two foreigner hunters arrived at Chitral from USA and Newzeland for Markhor and Ibex.

By Gul Hamaad Farooqi

CHITRAL: Two foreigner Hunters arrived here in a helicopter for hunting of Markhor and Ibex at Toshi VCC. According to Divisional Forest Officer (DFO) wild life Muhammad Hussain told this scribe that two foreigner hunters have arrived here and they are searching for suitable prey for the last three days. These hunters have proper hunting trophy and shooting license.

Christopher from USA  have hunting trophy license for Markhor hunting have paid 92000 US $ and 10000 Pak Rupees  for shooting license as well as Mr Stacky is from Switzerland who want hunting of an Ibex he paid 145000 Pak  rupees  and 10,000 for shooting license. DFO said that hunting trophy license is issuing after proper auction on international level by Convention for International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) Switzerland. He said that annually 4 hunting trophy licenses issuing for Markhor hunting. And 80% of total cost distributing among local community and 20 % depositing in Government exchequers.

Hence there is no permission for legal hunting in Chitral Goal National Park. But social and political circle of Chitral demand for allowing hunting trophy license in buffer areas of Chitral goal national park because the aged and ailing Markhor already dying without any hunting or benefiting local communities. As well as some criminal people also involved in illegal hunting of Markhor at this prohibited areas as recently a Markhor was hunted by Islam Baig illegally.

If the government allow legal hunting in buffer areas in surrounding of Chitral goal national park  for hunting of aged, ailing and weak Markhor who already dying it will be best for public and government both. Residents of these buffer areas will be benefitted from hunting trophy and they will feel ownership of these species and will protect them from illegal hunting. 

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