SMEDA – JICA to Launch 1st Skills Olympic for Auto Parts Manufacturing Industry

SMEDA – JICA to Launch 1st Skills Olympic for Auto Parts Manufacturing Industry

Lahore: Small and Medium Enterprises Development Authority (SMEDA) is going to launch the first-ever Skills Olympic in Pakistan next week in collaboration with Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) for auto-parts manufacturing Industry. It was disclosed by CEO SMEDA Mr. Sher Ayub Khan, in a press statement issued here today.

He informed that SMEDA and JICA had been executing a 4 years’ comprehensive program for enhancing manufacturing capabilities, quality production and localization share of auto parts in Pakistan. Through this program, Japanese way of improving productivity and quality has been introduced in over 50 auto parts manufacturing concerns under the guidance of 5 Japanese Experts since August 2015, he said adding that apart from technical assistance, the developing support system and relevant skills set of workers was the prime consideration of this project.

CEO SMEDA told that considering importance of workers’ skills, SMEDA and JICA experts had jointly imparted various Japanese Quality Techniques at the shop floor level and succeeded to considerably minimized rejection rates of the product modules. In order to further bolster workers’ skill levels and create sense of attaining highest skill standards, 1st Skills Olympic is planned in 11 diverse skills including Welding, Painting, Cutting and Machining, Surface Finish, Parts inspection, Fork Lifter Driving etc., he said and informed that the events are being organized both at Lahore and Karachi on March 2nd, 2019 and March 9th, 2019 respectively wherein over 250 workers would be competing amongst each other to prove their pre-eminence in respective skills.

It is notable that Auto sector, being the most important and fastest growing sectors in Pakistan, contributes towards the nation’s economy through employment and revenue generation. Local vendors play an important role in the growth of auto industry as they bear the responsibility of producing auto parts and sub-assemblies according to the benchmark set by the Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs).

Unfortunately, Pakistan has not been able to derive maximum benefits in terms of technical know-how, production technology and quality control in order to upgrade the vendor base of auto sector, due to lack of proper training and relevant guidance and the issue has been amicably addressed through joint intervention of SMEDA and JICA, the outcome of which would be exhibited in the first ever Skills Olympics to be held next week in Lahore and Karachi. Various Officials from eminent organizations of the private and public sector along with diplomats, International Development Experts would witness the upcoming Skills Olympics. PPI

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