The Power of words !

The Power of words !

by Kaleem Kavish

“Words can make you, break you, they can heal your soul and they can damage you forever”

In our day to day life, we come across many events. If one day we are successful in accomplishing something but there also happen many failures in our lives. The worthiness of these events will be much intense with the words which our society put in these events. So here we got two contrasting events; success and failure.

If we are successful in accomplishing an event one day then if the society specially our parents and family members will use positive words in our success then our success will be much more of worth for us and we will try with our every possible potential to be successful again and again, and eventually we will be most successful.

0n the other hand, God forbid! if we come across any failure then the very first person we recognize as they can encourage us are only our parents and family members. They are the last hope we have who can help us out in the hardship. If they use positive words in our failure, then we will never loss hope and will be strengthened for upcoming events..

Now, as we are already hopeless after coming across failure and want that they should give us hope by their powerful words; but, in such tense situation when they use negative words then we completely become hopeless. This can eventually lead to the suicide, and that only person and the words which had been uttered are responsible for losing a precious life from our society.

Words have power and words are power. We have power to bring someone from the slumps of life and make a successful person out of them or we can destroy someone life and happiness using only our words. Our single positive and inspiring word can give someone reason to live or we can destroy someone hope to live using negative words.

As a well-known philosopher says that 

“Snake has poison in its teeth 

Scorpion has poison in its tail

It’s only human being who has poison in its tongue”.

In conclusion, we should speak only when we feel that our words are better than our silence.

Thank you! 

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