METRO shares its expansion and investment plans with Board of Investment Pakistan

METRO shares its expansion and investment plans with Board of Investment Pakistan

Islamabad, March 04, 2019: In a meeting held at BOI Islamabad Office between METRO Delegation comprising of Mr. Marek Minkiewicz (Managing Director), Mr. Pervaiz Akhtar (Director Corporate Affairs) and Mr. Asim Isar (Director Finance) along with H.E Mr. Martin Kobler(Ambassador of Federal Republic of Germany to Pakistan), and BOI Committee lead by Mr. Haroon Sharif (MOS/Chairman BOI), MCCPK shared its expansion and investment plans for Pakistan especially for Punjab with new store opening in Multan along with expansion of E-Commerce (METRO Online) and Franchise (Freshly) business.

Currently MCCPK is operating nine wholesale retail stores in Pakistan: Four in Lahore, three in Karachi and one each in Islamabad and Faisalabad. The METRO Online Non-Food business is already serving the entire Pakistani Market while the Food business will be expanding to 3rd city Faisalabad, previously serving Lahore and Islamabad Market. On the other hand 11 new freshly stores would also be seen with in a span of 4 months adding to the 4 operating at present in Lahore.

The Multan store will be the company’s tenth wholesale retail facility in Pakistan and the first one in South Punjab, a much economically-deprived belt of the province. METRO Pakistan has always been one of the front runners when talking about strengthening the local economy by not only being an important exchequer collector in shape of Sales Tax and Income Tax in the Wholesale/Retail sector, from its Customers and Suppliers and depositing the same in Government treasury but also Promoting modern, locally sourced trade infrastructure by offering local businesses like small retailers and restaurants a reliable supply source of up to 90 % locally procured goods as well as services to increase their competitiveness.

METRO also implements a modern agricultural supply chain through e.g. collection centres where local farmers can sell their produce directly at a fair market price. Through efficient post-harvest handling methods introduced by METRO, there has been a 95 % improvement in availability and quality. Increased investment and expansion from METRO Pakistan means more Job for people, supplier development, more choices for customers and consumers and most importantly increased government revenue in the shape of Sales Tax collection.

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