BankIslami Pakistan Signs MOU with NUST University

BankIslami Pakistan Signs MOU with NUST

BankIslami Pakistan Limited, one of the leading Islamic Banks in the country, has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with National University of Sciences & Technology (NUST), one of the leading univerities of the country.  The MOU signing ceremony was held at the Head Office of BankIslami Pakistan Limited.

BankIslami and NUST will collaborate in conducting Islamic Banking awareness seminars and workshops for the students and public at large to spread understanding about Islamic Banking and Finance. BankIslami will provide technical and training assistance to NUST for curriculum designing of Islamic Finance courses, development of case studies, training of faculty and students, etc. BankIslami and NUST will also jointly work in research initiatives in Islamic Banking and Finance.

The MOU between BankIslami and NUST will help strengthen the partnership between the Industry and Academia and will contribute towards the growth of Islamic Banking and Finance in the country.

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