OICCI annoyed by non-functioning of IPO board

OICCI annoyed by non-functioning of IPO board

The Overseas Investors Chambers of Commerce and Industry (OICCI) has expressed annoyance over the Chairman Intellectual Property Organisation (IPO) for keeping the policy board dysfunctional since 2016.

"The managing committee and members of the OICCI are extremely concerned that despite many reminders to IPO and the Commerce Division, the policy board meeting of IPO has not been convened since late 2016."

The IPR enforcement is one the most critical factors in attracting FDI in any country. This matter may get even more negative attention amid highlighted activity of the World IP Day occurring on April 26, 2019.

"We are regularly asked by the visitors to OICCI about the commitment of the authorities in improving the effectiveness of IPR regime in Pakistan. This concern was one of the major points taken up by the French trade delegation from MEDEF during their interaction with OICCI members at the chamber on April 11, 2019," said Secretary General OICCI Abdul Aleem in a letter to the chairman IPO.

According to Aleem, there is a high profile Pakistan investment conference planned soon in the UK which is expected to be attended by the Prime Minister and senior ministers representing the country and this matter may be raised there.

Therefore, in the interest of promoting IPR protection, and thereby FDI in the country, the OICCI once again has recommended that IPO policy board, comprising GoP and private sector representatives including OICCI, be made functional on a top priority basis so as to speed up the improved IPR regime in Pakistan, he added.

The OICCI has sought prompt action on its letter as its president is duly nominated and wants IPO policy board gets functional on a priority basis.

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