Jean Francois Captain visited Engro Foods beneficiary trainees in Karachi

Jean Francois Captain visited Engro Foods beneficiary trainees in Karachi

KARACHI: European Union ambassador to Pakistan, Jean Francois Cautain visited Engro Foods (EFL) beneficiary trainees working as dairy farm supervisor at farms in Karachi.  The ambassador appreciated EFL’s efforts for creating skilled workforce to support the dairy value chain. European Union also circulated a short video about this Dairy Development Program on their official social media platforms commending Engro Foods role for dairy development to strengthen the local farming community.

Engro Foods is cultivating prosperity by providing trainings on best dairy farming practices to create sustainable livelihoods through increased income for farmers. Engro Foods has trained 1,263 skilled manpower in total, 35% of them being women. This Dairy Development Program was funded by European Union (EU), Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) and Norwegian government through National Vocational and Technical Training Commission (NAVTTC) Sindh Pakistan. At the visit, the EU ambassador also awarded certificates to qualified farm supervisors and female livestock extension workers.

Saud Ahmed Pasha stated, “Our purpose, our plan is to revolutionize the dairy sector of Pakistan and it feels great to have our Dairy Development Program (DDP) recognized by independent international bodies such as European Union. The work that is being done with the farmers will empower them with sustainable livelihoods– in the context of this project, EFL has managed to train 1,260+ beneficiaries as farm supervisors, 448 of them are women. Currently 80% of these farm supervisors are employed at commercial dairy farms and others have started their own micro enterprise. The trained workforce has also resulted in increasing the overall farm productivity by 22% which is notable increase in the dairy sector.”

Engro Foods is owned by 19,000 dairy farmers globally and they are determined to strengthen the local farming communities in line with their core purpose of enabling a better living for our farmers, now and for generations to come.

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