The future is ‘green’ for paints and coatings company, #AkzoNobel Pakistan

The future is ‘green’ for paints and coatings company, AkzoNobel Pakistan

Responsible companies, in Pakistan and around the world, continuously face the challenge of reducing and controlling their carbon footprint. More and more organizations are taking action to embed the importance of sustainability in their operations for the positive impact it can have on the environment. 

Realizing the need of adopting renewable energy sources, AkzoNobel Pakistan (ANPL), a leading paints and coating company has installed and successfully commissioned a 460 KW DC power generating solar panel structure in its manufacturing site and office in Lahore.

The project is a result of the company’s continuous sustainability focus that drives to improve the energy efficiency and cost effectiveness of its operations. The project, built on zero capital and operational expense, is estimated to deliver an annualized saving of around 14000 Euros. 

The installation of 1393 panels will provide 520MWH/year of green energy. This is equivalent to replacing 1000 barrels of gasoline or equivalent to 0.4 million pounds of coal burned. The project will reduce 387,000 kg of carbon emissions/year. This can also be equated to 10,000 trees grown for 10 years. 

AkzoNobel also intends to channel energy back to the distribution company through net-metering which would further add sustainable energy to the national grid.  Additionally, the covered area provides shade and cover for employees and visitors’ vehicles as well as for finished goods, reducing the impact of the summer heat in the coming months as well.

The solar panels project was inaugurated by Oscar Wezenbeek, Managing Director for AkzoNobel Decorative Paints, South East & South Asia.  “The cost-effectiveness and energy efficiency associated with this installation is undoubtedly immense. Our people, in Pakistan and around the world, are committed to sustainability by demonstrating environmentally responsible operations. We hope that this sets the standard in Pakistan and more organizations come to believe in what is already our mission: sustainability is business and business is sustainability” said Oscar Wezenbeek.

“Renewable energy is the way forward and AkzoNobel Pakistan is conscious of the need to change the way we do business. Harnessing the infinite and abundant power of the sun not only makes financial sense for the company but more importantly makes us a proud contributor as a sustainable partner”, said Saad Mahmood Rashid, CEO AkzoNobel Pakistan.

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