Attack on live TV Show - President PFUJ GM Jamali condemns attack on Imtiaz Faran

Attack on live TV Show -  President PFUJ GM Jamali condemns attack on Imtiaz Faran

KARACHI: President Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) G M Jamali has strongly condemned the attack and torture on President Karachi Press Club (KPC) Imtiaz Faran by a PTI leader.

GM Jamali noted that after harassing and threatening journalists the ruling party (PTI) had now resorted to attack and torture the Media Workers. Reminding that journalists worked under pressure and risked their lives to keep the public informed he praised the way Media Workers united to figure a strategy out in order to protest against the incident. He said that if the journalists come together in such a way most of their problems would be solved.

Hailing the decision to bar PTI leaders from entering all the Press Clubs of Pakistan for three days, he felicitated President KPC Imtiaz, Secretary General KPC Arman Sabir, President Lahore Press Club Arshad Ansari, President Islamabad Press Club Shakil Qarar and Secretary General PFUJ Rana Mohammad Azeem along with all the UJs in Pakistan for the resolve.

GM Jamali warned that if the ruling party failed to shun this kind of approach against journalists’ fraternity, stern action would be taken against it. He stated that journalists’ fraternity had always played its due role to strengthen the democratic institutions and would continue to do so.

President PFUJ GM Jamali stated that the International Federation of Journalists had also been informed about the attack and torture by PTI leader on KPC President Imtiaz Faran and it is expected that, like all over Pakistan, globally voice would also be raised.

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