Plastic to Feul - Hyderabad's Engineer produces ‘fuel’ from ‘plastic’, sells at Rs. 40 per liter

Plastic to Feul - Hyderabad's Engineer produces ‘fuel’ from ‘plastic’, sells at Rs. 40 per liter

Hyderabad: An Engineer developed a technology which not only saves the environment from getting polluted but also converts ‘end-life’ plastic into fuel. 

According to the report published in New 18, a 45-year-old mechanical engineer by name Satish Kumar has developed this novel idea. He has also registered his company with the Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises.

Giving the details of the process, he said that it converts plastic into fuel in three steps. The process is known as plastic pyrolysis. 

Talking to the media person, Mr. Kumar said that the process neither needs water nor pollutes the air. Mr. Kumar further said that he is ready to share the technology is any entrepreneur is interested in it.

Daily, the company produces 200 liters of petrol from 200 kg of plastic. It sells petrol to local industries at the cost of Rs. 40/50 per liter. 

It may be noted that the fuel is yet to be tested in order to find out whether it can be used in vehicles or not.

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