Resident of Kosht given Dead Line of 10 June school be locked if land owner not appointed.

Resident of Kosht given Dead Line of 10 June school be locked if land owner not appointed.

By Gul Hamaad Farooqi

CHITRAL: residents of upper Chitral Kosht village given deadline 10 June to education department for appointment of land owner of Govt primary school No2. Women, children and aged people also came on road along with men to register their protest. They chanted slogan and demanded for immediately appointment of land owner. They said that Shamsul Qadir given his half Acre of land to education department free of cost  on  the condition that Education department will appoint him as Chowkidar (class IV). At the time he was 50 years old and on completion of 60 years of age he retired from government service only on 10 years service.

He submitted application of his son Saif Ahmad as he was entitled as land owner and employee son but education department recruited another person Azaz Ali son of Syed Wakeel Shah who is also disable and not resident of this village and in case of any terrorism attack he cannot save the children.

They said that education department should to appoint land owner or to pay them as market rate 4 million rupees. Talking to this scribe some women and men told that father of Saif Ahmad donated commercial land for school on the condition that employment will be given to his family but now they appointed an other person who is not entitle. They warned by giving deadline  of 10th June that if until completion of deadline Saif Ahmad was appointed they will lock the school and also withdrawn their children and will be admit them in an other school.

Land owner demanded from chief minister KPK, education minister and high ups of education department for appointing him against the vacant post of Chowkedar. It is pertinent to mention here that due to non-availability of Chowkidar in the school  teachers and children also suffering badly.

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