Timesaco introduced ‘Buraq’ a new taxi service in Pakistan instant delivery “Fema” and City Freight “Cargo+”.

Timesaco introduced ‘Buraq’ a new taxi service in Pakistan instant delivery “Fema” and City Freight “Cargo+”.

Timesaco Press ConferenceTimesaco held its pre-launch event at Islamabad and introduced its Instant Services: taxi service “Buraq”, instant delivery “Fema” and City Freight “Cargo+”.

Timesaco is providing multiple online services in Pakistan. Buraq Taxi service will start its operation from 10th July, while Fema and Cargo services will be launched on 27th July of this year.

Buraq Taxi service has multiple feature and providing latest technology for drivers and customers.

Buraq is offering 97% share of total earing to drivers, and it will be a game changer for Pakistani market. Buraq offers 10% discount for all activities like wedding, conferences, exhibitions, matches, trainings and seminars; it is offering 10% discount for Army personnel, teachers, doctors and senior citizens.

People can register multiple vehicles with Timesaco at the same time and they have no time bounding. During the presentation, Timesaco’s CEO Donald-Li expressed that Timesaco is an ecosystem platform and it care for customers, care for drivers, care for partners, care for employees, and care for investors. Timesaco offers lower price for customers, it is more secured and will always reach on time, Timesaco provides better services and it will be very satisfactory for users. He further added that, Buraq Taxi service will be very different from other existing players and it will be very profitable for drivers. Buraq drivers will get 97% share of their earing and company will get only 3% from drivers.

Timesaco has found a Buraq Club for drivers where 1% of Company’s 3% revenue will be used for drivers’ care. Donald said, Buraq drivers will be able to get financial support, special discounts, and medical facilities through Buraq Club. Buraq Club will care the drivers’ vehicle equipment, Life, living, family, entertainment and legal support.

On a question, Donald responded that Timesaco developed 3 Main Applications (1) Timesaco App for customer (2) Buraq App for driver (3) BizTree App for partners. Everyone can download the application from Google Play Store and can join Timesaco’s different platforms. People can register their Bike, Car, Rickshaw, Bolan, Pickup, Qingqi Loader, and Truck with Timesaco and they will get multiple ways for earning. Donald further shared that, Buraq Taxi service will be available from 10 July of this year.

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