Generation Unlimited Youth Challenge 2.0 launched in Pakistan

Generation Unlimited Youth Challenge 2.0 launched in Pakistan  

Islamabad: Nov 28, 2019: United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and United Nations Development Fund (UNDP) has partnered with the School of Leadership Foundation and launched the Generation Unlimited Youth Challenge 2.0 in Pakistan along with 40 other countries. 

The challenge calls on young innovators across the country to design solutions to improve education, employment and civic engagement.  This year’s theme is “Opening Doors, Knowledge and skills for Empowered Youth”. The need to empower youth for a better tomorrow is connected both to the life skills and future forward skills that will help young people to live a better life.  Awareness is a key factor for this empowerment, with guidance towards developing a wholesome outlook on life.

In June 2020, the most promising solutions from each country will be submitted to a global judging process. These projects will receive further funding of up to USD 20,000, along with a tailored global incubation programme from Generation Unlimited partners to support them to scale. Deadline for submission of ideas is Tuesday, 31 December 2019. 

The challenge in Pakistan is being implemented by the School of Leadership Foundation.

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