India's RSS imparting military training to youth to target Muslims: AJK president (Tribune)

India's RSS imparting military training to youth to target Muslims: AJK president (Tribune)

ABBOTTABAD: Azad Jammu Kashmir (AJK) President Sardar Masood Khan said on Saturday that India’s RSS was imparting military training to hundreds of thousands of young men and women to target Muslims.

“Instead of declaring these threats from India as mere apprehensions, there is a need to prepare the nation particularly youth, to deal with any eventuality,” he told an event on the theme ‘Kashmir Needs Attention’ at Ayub Medical College in Abbottabad, organised by Jammu and Kashmir Student Welfare Organisation.

Khan said India’s illegal action of abrogating Indian Occupied Kashmir’s (IOK) special status on August 5 was part of a conspiracy to convert the Muslim majority of the region into a minority.
“The people of occupied Kashmir have been struggling for 72 years for the realisation of the right to self-determination,” he said, adding that thousands of Kashmiri youth as well as political leaders in IOK had been arrested.

The AJK president acknowledged the role of the international community and media in highlighting the plight of Kashmiris, saying “global media is highlighting the true picture of occupied Kashmir and influential world parliaments continue to raise their voice for the rights of Kashmiris and have condemned Indian atrocities in the occupied territory”.

He, however, lamented that United Nations and some major capitals of the world were still silent, and their inaction over occupation forces’ atrocities was disappointing.

“The followers of Hindutva policy desire to crush the Muslims not only in Pakistan and Kashmir but also in the entire South Asia,” he added.

The AJK president said Indian Defense Minister Rajnath Singh, continuing with his war hysteria, was threatening to disintegrate Pakistan and invade Azad Kashmir. “We must never treat these statements as hollow threats,” he said.

Khan urged students to reach out to the global community, especially their peers in order to change their perceptions and make them aware of the atrocities taking place in Indian IOK.

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