Chitral Forest - Free Distribution of plants at Bumborat Kalash valley under Chilgoza project

 Chitral Forest - Free Distribution of plants at Bumborat Kalash valley under Chilgoza project

CHITRAL (By Gul Hamaad Farooqi):  Free plants were distributed among Muslim and Kalash community at Bubmorat of Kalash valley by Forest department under Chilgoza Project. A simple but prompt function was held at Forest rest house Bumborat. Ajaz Ahmad provincial coordinator of Food And Agriculture Organization  Chilghoza Project  & Khyber Pakhuntkhwa was chief guest on the occasion while the ceremony was presided over by Abdul Majeed Qureshi president of Chilgoza committee.  Forest Department distributed free plants among local people for improving Local livelihoods through the increasing productivity and enhanced services and functions of the Chilgoza ecosystem in Chitral.
Food & Agriculture Organization (FAO) Under the Project Reversing Deforestation and Degradation in High Conservation Value Chilgoza Pine Forests in Pakistan with Collaboration of KP Forest Department Chitral has distributed saplings of forest plants among local communities in the target valley in Chitral. In addition to imparting knowledge to proper planting techniques the staffs also promoting awanress among local communities on the importance of forests.

Ajaz Ahmad the Provincial Coordinator FAO KP said that the objectives of this campaigns improve Local livelihoods through the increasing the productivity and enhanced services and functions of the Chilgoza ecosystem in the selected valleys. He also said that the distributed plants include indigenous multipurpose fast trees which will be used as agroforestry, farm forestry and plantations on degraded sites by the local people/farmers by their self. The Chilghoza Forest Protection & Conservation committees formed in the valley are playing their vital role in facilitating the local people in planting trees, he further added. 

An event was held in Kalash Valley Bumburate where the local communities, Members from Chilghoza Forest Protection & Conservation Committees and other stakeholders participated, where free saplings were handover to local communities and. Agroforestry is the only solution to reduce pressure on the local forest, as these plants provides us fuel wood and fodders, added by Mr. Abdul Majid Qureshi President Chilghoza Forest Protection & Conservation Committee Bumburate. He further said that the valley blessed with Chilghoza forests which are the major source of livelihood for the local communities and need to conserve these forests by providing alternative option for fuel and fodder.

 Muhammad Ayub an Environmentalist belongs to Kalash Valley Bumburate said on the occasion that Plantation Campaign is an opportunity to strengthen our link with nature and planting is vital for our socio-economic development and a sustainable ecosystem in this chilghoza forest ecosystem.

Under the Chilghoza Project, FAO and KP Forest Department distributed 150,000 Nos saplings of forest plants among the local communities of Kalash Valley Bumburate, Birir and Shishikoh Valley of Chitral Pakistan.

Shahi Gul a social worker lady from Kalash community told that this is good initiative by forest department which will save our Chilgoza trees that are the only source of income of local people. She said that Chilgoza is the only plants that people collect its seed and sell it as a dry fruit and most of our community bear education expenditures of their children by selling of Chilgoza. 

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