US unrest - Facebook Removes Around 200 Accounts Linked To Hate Groups

US unrest - Facebook Removes Around 200 Accounts Linked To Hate Groups

Facebook has removed around 200 social media accounts connected to white supremacy groups that planned to motivate others to protest against police killings of black people.

the accounts on Facebook and Instagram belonged to Proud Boys and the American Guard, two hate groups already banned on social media. these accounts were already monitored in preparation for eliminating them.

Brian Fishman, Facebook‘s director of counterterrorism and dangerous organization policy, said “We saw that these groups were planning to rally supporters and members to physically go to the protests and in some cases were preparing to go with weapons”.

Facebook did not reveal the details of account users

Both these groups have been banned as they violated policies regarding hate speech. Facebook will keep removing accounts, groups, or pages attempting to promote hate speech.

Earlier, Facebook had announced the removal of a “handful” of other accounts White supremacists had created who had been posing as members of Antifa movement on Twitter. 

Facebook staff have raised their voices against the decision not to remove or tag a controversial post by Donald Trump.

US President Donald Trump repeated his tweet on Facebook regarding the ongoing protests in Minneapolis after George Floyd’s assassination.

Twitter had placed a warning label on the tweet, as it claimed the tweet “glorified violence”. However, Facebook said that it did not affect the policy.

Staff members reacted over it. Some staff said they were ‘ashamed’.

Trump had said he would “send in the National Guard”. He had also warned that “when the looting starts, the shooting starts.”

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