Industries in Korangi suffer from serious problems due to negligence and inattention of KW&SB

Industries in Korangi suffer from serious problems due to negligence and inattention of KW&SB

The industries of Korangi Industrial Area are facing serious problems due to negligence of the Karachi Water and Sewerage Board. Considering the important role of Korangi Industrial Area in the national economy, the problems of industries should be solved on priority basis. This was stated by President of Korangai Association of Trade and Industry (KATI) Saleem-uz-Zaman and Chairperson KATI Standing Committee on Water and Sewerage Nighat Awan while addressing a meeting of KATI members and industrialists on issues related to Water and Sewerage.

Saleem-uz-Zaman said that in the last one month, there has been a significant increase in complaints from KATI members regarding non-supply of water and poor sewerage system in Korangi Industrial Area.

He said that the supply of water to the industries which used to be supplied with very small quantity of water has been completely stopped. The Korangi Association of Trade and Industry (KATI) has been asked to supply water to the industries. This closure has been notified in writing by KATI members.

He further said the sewerage system in this industrial area, especially in Sector 23, is in a deplorable state and dirty water is flowing due to the closure of sewerage lines, which is creating serious problems for industries.

Nighat Awan, Chairperson KATI’s Standing Committee on Water and Sewerage, said that the basic Sewerage infrastructure in the Korangi Industrial Area is in a shocking state, with the road looking like a sewerage pond due to overflow and leakage from sewer lines.

She said that KATI has approached the officials of Karachi Water and Sewerage Broad on several occasions and despite their promises and assurances to resolve the issues, no concrete action has been taken so far, especially with regards to the sewerage system. The same problem comes up again and again, a solid and long-term solution is needed to solve the problem permanently.

Pointing out the problems in Korangi Industrial Area, she said that there are some areas where sewerage system does not exist at all or the sewerage lines are very old due to which this system has completely collapsed.

Nighat Awan said that while ignoring the solution to the problems faced by the industries of Korangi and Landhi, most of the officials of the department, while explaining the division of areas, easily shy away from their responsibility saying that these areas are not under their jurisdiction. It is not about the jurisdiction of the work, the industries are facing serious problems in this whole scenario.

She said that after the transfer of focal person for KATI, no formal notification has been received for the new focal person, so the officials of Karachi Water and Sewerage Board should nominate a senior official for KATI who can monitor industry related complaints.

Nighat Awan further said that the officials of Karachi Water and Sewerage Board should immediately release their development budget so that all the pending work could be completed.

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