Vaccination is the foremost solution to curb COVID-19 cases: Experts state at OICCI Session

Vaccination is the foremost solution to curb COVID-19 cases: Experts state at OICCI Session

Karachi: The country is in the midst of third wave of COVID-19 and the number of reported cases and deaths are striking every aspect of life very hard. According to the experts, Dr. Abdul Bari Khan, CEO The Indus Hospital, and Dr. Asim Belgaumi, Chief Medical Officer and Associate Dean for Clinical Affairs at the Aga Khan University Hospital, the foremost solution to curb COVID-19 cases is the widespread vaccination that will allow people to fight against the virus and not only protect themselves but their loved ones too.

Dr. Abdul Bari Khan and Dr. Asim Belgaumi, shared their views at a virtual session titled ‘COVID-19 Experience, Vaccination and Way Forward for helping Society’ organized by the Overseas Investors Chamber of Commerce and Industry (OICCI). Large number of senior executives and CSR Managers from corporate sector attended the session.

The speakers shared the journeys of their respective organizations to fight the pandemic and related challenges. They were of the view that the biggest challenge is the mindset of the people who need to consider the vaccination as a savior rather than believing in baseless rumors circulating over social media. “Vaccination is the only way forward for helping society,” both the experts advised.

While answering a question, Dr. Abdul Bari said that the supply of vaccination is a challenge all over the world and the governments are striving hard to maintain consistent supply and get their entire population vaccinated. Pakistan is also vigorously working to maintain the balance between vaccination drive and its supplies.

At the conclusion, Secretary General OICCI, M. Abdul Aleem, thanked the experts and participants and informed that due to their international outreach, OICCI members led from the front and positively responded to the Government of Pakistan’s call for support in containing the spread of COVID-19, protecting the health and supporting economic needs of the underprivileged populace in the face of COVID-19 immediate challenge, and announced assistance of about PKR 8 billion last year towards COVID-19 related initiatives. The session facilitated the participants to learn about the best practices being followed to fight the virus and also for potential partnership with the organizations which are leading the fight against COVID-19, he added.

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