More than 100 school children martyred in Peshawar school terrorism – breaking news

Dawn Report below

TTP militants storm Peshawar school, 104 killed
PESHAWAR: Taliban militants have entered an army-run school on Warsak road, taking students and teachers hostage.

Five to six terrorists have entered the Army Public School

104 including 84 children killed, scores injured

Firefight, evacuation underway

About 500 students and teachers are believed to be inside

2:11 pm - PM Nawaz leaves for Peshawar
Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif leaves for Peshawar to supervise the ongoing operation against Taliban.

"I have decided to proceed to Peshawar and I will supervise the operation my self," PM Nawaz Sharif said in a short statement before his departure to Peshawar.

"These are my children and it is my loss," the premier said.

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