Armless Man Uses Mouth to Spoon-feed His 91-Year-Old Bedridden Mother

سبحان اللہ
دونوں بازوں سے معذور یہ شخص اپنی 91سالہ بستر پر پڑی بیمار ماں کو اپنے منہ سے کھانا کھلاتا ہے۔

Last month, Chen Xingyin's 91-year-old mother was not able to leave her bed due to serious illness.

Chen, a 48-year-old armless bachelor in Tongxin Village of SW China's Chongqing city, had to feed his mother in his own way.
He picks up a spoon with his mouth, scoops up the food, and feeds the spoonful of food to his mother. He would repeat many times until his mother shakes her head.

Chen lost his arm due to electric shock at the age of 7. But he learns all skills of housework as well as farm work, just like any other man in his village.

With his hard labor, he earned himself a property of 24 sheep, two Asian buffaloes, four hens, and dried corns hanging on the roof.
Some villagers suggest Chen to beg in city, but Chen said, "I don't have good hands, but I won't earn that kind of money as long as I still have good legs."

People's Daily Online

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