99% Haleeb Foods employees are now Quality Ambassadors

99% Haleeb Foods employees are now Quality Ambassadors

Lahore: Haleeb Foods one of the leading food and beverages company of Pakistan last year introduced a unique program – ‘Quality Through The Line’ (QTTL). This program revolves around key areas including people, processes and plants in order to bring about a change that would ultimately lead to sustainable growth.

The first phase – QTTL 1.0 successfully ended in January 2019. As an outcome product quality improvement of almost 100% was seen. The second phase specifically aims at improving knowledge and skillsets and as of now 99% of HFL total employees have passed the Apprentice Level Quality Testing.

Memosh Khawaja, CEO – HFL conceived the QTTL program after a comprehensive gap analysis was conducted last year. Expressing his views on the achievement of this milestone he said, “We are committed to the highest quality standards for every task we take up, our employees at all levels and functions have to go through the QTTL training at varied stages of the program. As we move up on the QTTL Professional Level, we are confident to set new benchmarks for the industry “.

Adding on Sami Qahar, Head of Marketing stated: “We continue to invest heavily on innovation and technologies, to upgrade our production process, quality-control and research facilities. With decades of experience, we have earned the unwavering trust of our consumers. We are the only company where 99% employees are Quality trained and the successful implementation of the QTTL program promises to reinforce our proficiency in the industry and fulfil our corporate goals.”

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