Devastating Fire Destroys Homes in A​yun, Chitral​, Residents to Demand Local Fire Brigade

Second Incident in a Month Prompts Residents to Demand Local Fire Brigade

Chitral: A fire caused by an electrical short circuit early this morning has completely destroyed a seven-room house in the Murda village of Ayun, in Lower Chitral, Ayun a popular tourist spot in Chitral. The blaze quickly engulfed the residence of Khairuddin, who was away for work, leaving no time for residents to salvage any belongings. Local villagers worked tirelessly to extinguish the flames and prevent them from spreading to neighboring properties.

Despite being contacted, Rescue 1122 arrived after the house had already been consumed by the fire, resulting in losses estimated in the lakhs of rupees. This marks the second fire incident in the Aiwan area within a single month, prompting renewed calls for improved emergency services. Local social activist Asif Raza, who assisted in the relief efforts, highlighted the growing population of Ayun and the frequent occurrence of fires. 

He emphasized the critical need for a dedicated fire brigade unit within Aiwan itself, citing the poor road conditions and the significant travel time from Chitral city as major factors hindering timely responses from Rescue 1122. With the population of UC Avon exceeding forty thousand, residents argue that a local fire station is essential to mitigate future losses and protect lives and property.

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