American tourist arrested for public sex act on Thai bar girl

An American real estate broker has been arrested in Thailand after he allegedly performed a sex act on a bar worker in front of revelers.

Ben Bartanyi, 49, was filmed apparently carrying out the act on a 20-year-old woman at a bar in the popular tourist town of Pattaya.

Bartanyi was seen performing a sex act on a Thai bar worker in the graphic video.Photo: Thai Police
Shocking video of the incident was posted on social media and had been viewed more than 100,000 times by Sunday morning before police officers arrested Bartanyi on charges of public indecency.

The footage shows a man believed to be Bartanyi walking up to the young woman as she lies on a metal bar.

He then appears to perform the sex act on her before a second woman walks over, sprays him with water and shoos him away with her hand.

The 20-year-old bar worker told police that she had no recollection of the incident but filed a complaint against Bartanyi once she saw the video.

Police have since arrested Bartanyi, with Pattaya City Police Station chief Sukthat Pumpanmuang telling local website Khaosod English that the real estate broker had admitted being the man in the video.

Bartanyi is said to have apologized for the incident while police continue to investigate.

American Ben Bartanyi (right) admitted to being the man in the video who performed a sex act on a Thai bar worker in broad daylight.

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