TransAction Alliance Rejects LRH “Eye Wash” Actions: Demands Chairman LRH resignation

خواجہ سرائوں کی تنظیم نے پشاور کے ہسپتال کےخلاف بڑا مطالبہ کردیا، 4 اگست کو پشاور میں بڑا حتجاج کریں گے
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PESHAWAR: The member of the TransAction Alliance and Civil Society Representatives rejects the LRH Action of firing some doctors while protecting the real culprits and administration who are responsible for the death of Alisha.

The inquiry report constituted by KP Govt is revoltingly biased and utterly contrary to the facts and original circumstances of the case because the committee as a whole comprised LRH and Government of KP representatives. Not a single member/representative of the transgender community or family/guardians of the deceased was inducted in the committee or was a part of it in any way whatsoever to represent the deceased. No intimation was given to the family/guardians of the deceased or member/representative of the transgender community regarding the constitution of the committee and the proceedings conducted by them. No statement was recorded of the attendants/ friends who were with the deceased during her predicament in LRH or after the death of the deceased.

The TORs of the committee were not relevant to our desire and we were never consulted on TORs. The current reports only reflect administrative flaws by the hospital while it did not include the transphobic behaviour of the staff which was our primary concern.

Instead the committee looking into the real issue fired irrelevant doctors instead of fixing responsibility and penalizing the culprits. For example, Dr. Liaqat was the only doctor in LRH who helped the transgender community and supported them is fired even his name is not including the inquiry committee.

The real culprits and those responsible for the negligence for the death of Alisha are Chariman LRH, Director Medical LRH and Director Hospital and Prof Dr. Shabaduin but because of their positions and political affiliations no action has been taken against them which is unacceptable and criminal.

We reject these “Eye Wash” actions by LRH administration and demand for the resignation of Nowsherain Barki, Chairman LRH and the termination Director Medial, Director Hospital and Prof. Shahabudden.

Farzana Jan the president of the TransAction Alliance said that “the actions taken by LRH are unacceptable We reject the Terms of reference of the report because it does not cover the Transphobia faced by the patient and the attendance. Dr. Liaqat who supported us and treated us well is fired without reason even his name is not included in the report while those against whom legal actions is recommended no action has been taken against them.

Qamar Naseem member of the Advisory consul of the TransAction Alliance said that “We demand and ask for medical and administrative audit of the Lady Reading Hospital. The administration is running the hospital like a private property. It is a Govt entity and a public property and everyone should treated with respect without discrimination based on their sexual orientation, gender identity and expression.

Many trans people still are denied healthcare because of their identity. Transgender people face roadblocks in accessing healthcare,We need sustained investment in the field of transgender health, so all of us can receive quality care for our needs in an open and respectful environment. Transgender people can lead longer, happier and healthier lives – but only if we are allowed the same level of healthcare access and treatment as everyone else.

Taimur Kamal of Pakhtunkhwa Civil Society Network said “ the civil society stands with the Transgender activist and will play its role in Creating Equal Access to Quality Health Care for Transgender . The Govt needs to wake up. The Transphobia and violence against transgender in access to services is unacceptable in the health care system.

The TransAction Alliance will be holding a peaceful vigil in protest on August 4th, 2016 in front of Lady Reading Hospital.

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