Increasing suicide incidents in Chitral - Two more youths committed suicide in upper Chitral Mastuj Tehsil

Increasing suicide incidents in Chitral - Two more youths committed suicide in upper Chitral Mastuj Tehsil 

By Gul Hamaad Farooqi 

CHITRAL: As well as two more youth committed suicide at upper Chitral According to SHO police station Booni a young girl Tayyeba Bibi 14 daughter of Syed Ghaffar Shah resident of Booni jumped in Chitral river and ended her life by committing suicide. police said that she was missing from her house a few days back and was recovered from the house of her female teacher. police said that the girl had alleged her step mother for torturing her as her real mother had died. 

Subdivisional Police Officer (SDPO) Muhammad Zaman Khan said the 14-year-old girl committed suicide due to brutality treatment of her step mother. He said a few days earlier the girl had gone missing from her house and was later recovered by the police from the house of a female teacher in Kuragh and handed over back to her family in Booni. SDPO said that there is no shelter house for women especially such women folk who elope, flee away or searching safe shelter at Chitral. that is why thy handed over back the girl to her stepmother. He said it was yet to be ascertained if the girl had been tortured before she committed suicide or not. The postmortem report is awaited, the SDPO added.

According to SHO police station Yarkhun an other suicide case was reported from Brok village of Laspur valley where a Muhammad Hussain, son of Zamurad Khan, shot himself dead in his house. SHO told that he was very poor boy and his family can not effort his educational expenditures. Reports said before committing suicide the 19-year-old had recorded a video message in his mobile phone stating he was taking the extreme step after being unable to pursue education beyond the intermediate level due to poverty of his family.

The police have started investigations in both the cases. It is worth to mention here that as many as 18 suicide cases of young people, mostly women, have been reported to the police in the subdivision of Mastuj during the last six months. Tough civil society organizations have been expressing concerns over the rising suicide cases in Chitral the government has not taken any tangible steps to check such incidences.

social and political circle of Chitral demand from the concern authorities for probe in these cased and conducting research in detail to ascertain reasons of high ratio of suicide among women folk of Chitral so as to control them from suicide as well as to provide them alternate option and shelter houses to save them from killing. They also demanded for ascertaining reasons of these suicide cases and to take practical step for its remedy and controlling.

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