Bill Gates lauds Dr. Umar Saif’s achievements

Dr. Umar Saif Chairman Punjab Information Technology Board (PITB) who is currently on a visit to USA on the invitation of the Bill and Malinda Gates Foundation to Seattle as part of the Global Good meeting in Seattle, USA is among the five people from all over the world as examples of how innovative technology and data has been used to advance global development goals, especially coverage of child immunization and public health, says a message received here from Seattle here today.

In his meeting with Bill Gates Dr. Umar Saif presented innovative systems developed by his team, which changed immunization coverage in Punjab from 18% to 88% in less than 2 years. Dr. Saif also presented his work on using a smartphone-based system which helped eradicate Dengue epidemic in Punjab.

Bill Gates remarked that the results achieved by Dr. Umar Saif were unprecedented in the world and were an example for the rest of the world to emulate. During his visit, Dr. Umar Saif also met with other teams at the Gates Foundation and shared his work in agriculture technology for crop yield estimation using GIS and financial inclusion in Pakistan. Speaking with media after the meetings, Dr. Umar Saif said that the comments and recognition by Bill Gates of his work as a global success was very encouraging and also an acknowledgment of Pakistan’s progress in the field of IT.

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