India’s belligerence: PTI sees political parties united on Kashmir

India’s belligerence: PTI sees political parties united on Kashmir

KARACHI: India is playing a dangerous game in the occupied Kashmir; however, it can’t suppress the freedom struggle of Kashmiris, said Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Sindh president Haleem Adil Sheikh here Monday.

Talking to media outside the Sindh Assembly, he said that today on the call of PTI, protests were held in whole Sindh against the Indian atrocities in occupied Kashmir in order to express solidarity with the Kashmiri brethren. He said India wants to convert Kashmiris into minority in the occupied Kashmir but its nefarious designs would fail.

Adil said that plebiscite was the birthright of Kashmiris and India could not deny it. He said the inhuman atrocities on Kashmiris had exposed the ugly face of India. He said that with changing laws, India could not change public opinion on Kashmir. He said Pakistan had always supported the cause of Kashmir and would continue to do so. He said the Kashmir issue was being made more and more complicated.

Adil said that India was playing with fire and it was their folly that they would suppress Kashmiris. “Pakistan is able to give India a befitting reply for its violations of the Line of Control. Pakistan has the ability to meet any situation Whole Pakistan is on the same page on Kashmir issue. Our political parties have their problems but on the Kashmir issue, they are also on the same page.”

Adil said Kashmir was the jugular vein of Pakistan and there were no two opinions on this issue. He said the Kashmir issue would be solved as per the resolutions of the United Nations. This is the issue of the peace of whole Asia. India has violated all laws and norms by dropping cluster bombs on civilian population. India has rejected the offer of US President Trump regarding resolving the Kashmir issue and it would pay heavily for this, Adil asserted.

The PTI leader said Pakistanis were a brave nation and would not leave the Kashmiris alone. He said they would not allow India to apply Israeli tactics in the occupied Kashmir. He said whole world is worried about escalating tension in Kashmir. “India is not fulfilling its promises with the United Nations on the issue of Kashmir. He said political leadership of Kashmiris is arrested by India. Indian belligerence would prove harmful for this region.

He said whole Pakistani nation had protested against Indian violence in the occupied Kashmir and on the call of PTI, whole Sindh province today also expressed solidarity with the Kashmiris brethren. He said: “We will foil the dark and nefarious designs of Modi. India would be given a befitting reply for her aggression.” He said 22 crores of Pakistanis are ready to sacrifice their lives for the sake of the country. “He said whole nation stands shoulder by shoulder with the Pakistan Army.”

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