Loyal Dog stays by the grave of his teenage owner for weeks after the Indian he is killed

کتے کی وفاداری کی بڑی مثال

وفادار کتا اپنے 18 سالہ مالک کی قبرپر بنا کھائے پئے 7 سے زائد دنوں تک لیٹا ہوا ہے، تفصیل پڑھیں.…….

Loyal dog starves but refuses to leave boy's grave for a fortnight

CHENNAI: From a distance, the dog was a blur next to a freshly dug grave, its whimpers lost in the noise of vehicles speeding past. For more than a fortnight the animal would not leave the spot where the 18-year-old boy who had adopted him had been buried after he died in a road accident. The brown mongrel went without food, braved sun and rain, but refused to move in an extraordinary display of loyalty.

Blue Cross of India volunteers spotted the dog sitting near the grave in the open burial ground near Avadi Bridge, Blue Cross of India general manager Dawn Williams said. "When we attempted to rescue the dog, it stubbornly resisted and refused to budge," Williams said. "It just scratched the grave and whined."

The volunteers then spoke to people who lived nearby. "We met a local resident who said the dog belonged to Bhaskar. He died after being hit by a speeding vehicle on August 2. Bhaskar's mother, Sundhari, 50, is a construction worker who lived in a shed near the building site," Williams said.

When the team went to Sundhari's house she said the dog, Tommy, had been her son's pet for five years. After his death, the animal had disappeared. She accompanied the team to the grave. The emaciated dog staggered towards Sundhari and crouched near her feet.

"Sundhari clasped the dog, held its neck to her face and cried," Blue Cross volunteer Mukund J said.

Sundhari, a widow, said life had become meaningless after the death of her only son. But the pet that had remained steadfast to her son, even after his death, could be a reason to live, she said. "She took Tommy with her and returned home, Mukund said.

When TOI tried to contact Sundhari, residents said she had gone back to her native place in Tiruvannamalai and had taken the dog with her.

"Dogs, like humans, can love, suffer, and grieve," Peta India CEO Poorva Joshipura said. "We hope everyone who is moved by the story of this faithful companion will care for dogs by adopting a stray or volunteering at an animal shelter." - Times of India

Daily Mail:

Loyal to the end: Dog stays by the grave of his teenage owner for weeks after the Indian youngster is killed in a car crash 

  • Bhaskar Shri adopted Tommy five years ago and the pair were inseparable 
  • The construction worker even took his dog to work on building sites
  • After he was killed in an accident the distraught dog would not leave his side
  • Finally Tommy was rescued by the Blue Cross of India, an animal charity
  • Their rescue worker found Bhaskar's mother and reunited her with Tommy 

A loyal dog refused to leave a graveside for two weeks in a remarkable display of devotion after the death of his teenage owner.
After Bhaskar Shri, 18, died in a car accident, his dog Tommy went without food and water for 15 baking days and freezing nights guarding his grave in Chennai, southern India.
The young construction worker had adopted the dog five years ago and the two quickly became inseparable. Then, when Bhaskar was killed in a tragic road collision the dog refused to leave him. 
Loyal: Tommy the dog sits by his owner's grave, where he stayed for two weeks until he was rescued

Loyal: Tommy the dog sits by his owner's grave, where he stayed for two weeks until he was rescued
Mourning: Tommy's owner, Bhaskar Shri, was killed in a road accident on August 2

Mourning: Tommy's owner, Bhaskar Shri, was killed in a road accident on August 2
Dawn Williams, an animal rescue officer working with the non-profit Blue Cross of India finally rescued the famished dog after he endured more than a fortnight in the open.
She said: ‘I first spotted the brown dog sitting on a fresh grave one evening as I happen to walk past in the first week of August, but at the time I didn’t think anything of it.
‘But on August 13 I was in the area again while on a different rescue mission and saw him again. He was sitting in the same spot in the same position. 
'It looked like he hadn’t moved for weeks.’

The dog seemed troubled, even apparently having tears in his eyes as she approached him, Ms Williams said.
'I could see he was in a disturbed condition. He was famished and I’m certain he had tears in his eyes,' she said.
'I gave him water and biscuits but he refused to move. Then, with my teammates, I walked around the area and asked locals if they knew the dog.
'They told me the dog was called Tommy and he was guarding his owner’s grave.’
Inseparable: Bhaskar, who was 18, adopted Tommy five years ago, and they were always together
Inseparable: Bhaskar, who was 18, adopted Tommy five years ago, and they were always together
Enduring: An animal rescue officer from the Blue Cross of India believes Tommy was there for two weeks
Enduring: An animal rescue officer from the Blue Cross of India believes Tommy was there for two weeks
Ms Williams finally managed to track down Bhaskar’s mother, Shrimati Sundari, also a construction worker.
She added: ‘When Tommy saw her; he jumped on her and was licking her before he rested his face on her feet. It was obvious he knew her.'
Ms Sundari told Ms Williams her son and Tommy were always together, even at the construction sites. But after the car accident on August 2 Tommy had disappeared. 
She thought he’d found another home.
‘She was really happy he was back. She called him a loyal friend and she would keep him as a reminder of her son,' said Ms Williams.
'It was quite sad seeing them walk off together. But I was glad they were reunited. I’m sure Tommy will help Shrimati with her grief, dogs are amazing in times of emotion.’

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